Thursday, November 10, 2011

David's Song in my Own Words

This is part of a song David wrote for the Lord in 2 Samuel 22:22-24:
"For I have kept the ways of the Lord; I have not turned from my God to follow evil. I have followed all his regulations; I have never abandoned his decrees. I am blameless before God; I have kept myself from sin."

If I had to rewrite this for myself it would go something like this:
"For I have NOT kept the ways of the Lord; I HAVE turned from my God to follow evil. I have NOT followed all his regulations; I have, at times, abandoned his decrees. I am GUILTY before God; for I have sinned." But then I would insert 1 John 1:9 and put it in my own words, "BUT I have confessed my sins before Him and He has been faithful and just to forgive me for my sins and cleanse me of all my wickedness." 

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